young boy smiles wearing backpack going to school

With back to school season fast approaching, it’s time to start preparing for the first day so your preschooler or elementary school student will be safe, healthy, and happy as they embark on their new adventure. Check out these helpful tips about getting ready for the big day.

Prepping Beforehand

You can do your part to make the first day of school easier on your kids by doing a bit of prep work beforehand.

  • Take them to visit the new school or classroom prior to the first day. Be sure to attend any schedule orientations and tours of the school over the summer. If you can’t make that work, take them to the school the week before so they can check out their new classroom and the playground. Because many kids get nervous about these big transitions, it’s important to ease them into their new environment one step at a time. You can even rehearse the first day of school ahead of time by going through the motions so they’re fully prepared with what to expect.
  • Tell your child that teachers understand how nervous new students may be. Make sure they know their teacher will do all they can to make everyone feel comfortable. If you still sense they are nervous, ask them about it and use sample situations to problem solve the issue.
  • Point out all the positives of starting school. This will help your child look forward to the start of class as they think about who they will meet, the new friends they will make, and the old ones they will catch up with.
  • Pair up with a neighborhood child. Seek out neighborhood children and parents you can carpool with or your child can ride with on the bus. Get to the bus stop early to avoid stress.

Creating a Healthy Sleep Routine

It’s important for everyone to be well rested for the first day of school. Did you know that failing to get enough sleep has been linked with lower academic achievement, and higher rates of absenteeism and tardiness? Here are some tips to getting the ZZZs your child needs before they have to start getting up early for school.

  • Make adjustments for an earlier bedtime early one. Starting a week before the first day of school, ease your child into the new routine by setting a consistent bedtime. Each night, push bedtime a half hour earlier until you are at the desired bedtime for optimal sleep.
  • Come up with a calming bedtime routine. A consistent routine helps kids settle down and then fall asleep with minimal fuss. This may involve a warm bath and a story before bed, for instance.
  • Institute a policy of turning off electronic devices in advance of bedtime. Have your child put away their phones and tablets at least a couple of hours before bed. Turn off the TV and have them quietly read or draw in their rooms till lights out.

Plan For Safe Travel

This is a good time to review basic rules of getting to and from school, from reviewing the route to school to reminding them of stranger danger.

  • Remind your child of appropriate bus stop behavior and safety, waiting for the bus driver’s signal to safely cross. Even so, remind them to look both ways just in case.
  • If your child has an allergy, notify the bus driver so an emergency plan is in place in the event a severe food allergy occurs during the ride, for example.
  • If driving in a passenger car, make sure your children wear a seat belt and a booster seat if needed. Any booster seats should be age appropriate.
  • Children younger than 13 should sit in the back seat.
  • If your child bikes to school, go over the route beforehand. Make sure they wear a bike helmet and ride in the same direction as vehicular traffic.
  • If they walk to school, go over a safe route with them and make sure they cross at designated crosswalks. Make sure they know to wait for the crossing guard to give them the OK before proceeding.

Once they start school, these routines will become second nature. Be sure to give them plenty of love and support when they return from school, especially during the first week, as they transition to a new school year.

Book a Tour of Country Home Learning Center Today

It’s that time of year again! Time to take a tour of our fully-accredited educational program in our state-of-the-art child care facilities in Austin and San Antonio. We welcome you to come by and see why we are the premier area preschool of choice! Contact us today to book a tour.