happy 4th of july
Do You Know Why We Celebrate?
Did you know that there is more to the July 4th than pretty fireworks and fun cookouts? America celebrates this holiday as a way to remember the beginning of our great country! Every summer, on the 4th of July, families around the USA get together and to let their patriotism shine. Learning about the meaning of this holiday can enhance your appreciation for this great summer celebration.
The U.S. began its history with 13 colonies that were reigned over by the King George III, the King of England. Being frustrated with having a king control them from over 3000 miles away, they decided it was time that the 13 colonies began to rule themselves. To defy the king, two different American events occurred, the Boston Tea Party when tea was purposely dumped into the Massachusetts Bay to reject the English tax on the tea, and the Boston Massacre when British soldiers shot into a crowd after being heckled and stoned.
After these two instances took place, the colony of Virginia made the first attempt at becoming independent from England, and voted to create an assembly to represent the colonies. In 1774, the first meeting was conducted, and in this meeting the representatives created a drafted document that would give the colonies freedom from England. Fifty-six men helped write this document which was called the Declaration of Independence. Because the Declaration of Independence was written to secede from British government rule it was considered treason, and the men who wrote it were in danger of facing execution as their punishment. Despite the weight of their crime, they stood their ground to achieve independence.
Once the declaration had been written, it took years for the final draft to be completed, and during the rewrite, the American Revolutionary War took place. Finally, on July 4, 1776, the draft was accepted; unfortunately the war was not over. Despite the hardship of war, the U.S. public cheered and was overjoyed every time they heard someone read the Declaration of Independence. In 1783 the war ultimately ended and Independence Day was made an official holiday.
Today, we pay tribute every July 4th for these amazing actions that made us a free nation. Americans across the country are given the day off work and are able to enjoy time with their family and friends. So this 4th of July, remember what you are celebrating, and be thankful for the freedom that we all have in the United States of America.