The demands of modern life can often leave little time for physical activity and spending time with your family. Combining the two and getting the family together for healthy family activities are great ways to have a healthy and connected family.
Physical activity makes us feel good and lets us let go of unhealthy stress.  Staying fit as a family is a great way to improve your health and the health of your family all while spending quality time together and having a lot of fun.
There are a number of family activities which are fun and ensure that your family stays in shape. Here are some useful suggestions for getting your whole family moving and fit together.
Texas summers are hot. So stay in the pool and get fit. Most kids enjoy swimming and there are a number of swimming exercises that even small kids and parents can do together like the kickboard. Swimming gives you a full body workout and is great cardiovascular exercise.
Kids love riding bikes, and even those that are too small to ride on their own can participate with the addition of a child seat or attachments that link the child’s bike to the parent’s. Find a safe route near your house or a park with riding paths. Cycling provides a fun workout that pretty much everyone will enjoy.
Tennis. Soccer. Basketball. The list of really fun sports that require very little equipment is pretty long. And almost all of them are more fun than getting on a treadmill! So get outside with our kids. Find out what their favorite sport is and start playing with them. They’ll be really excited that you want to play with them and you’ll be happy ot burn some calories while spending time with your favorite people.