One of the biggest challenges of parents with young children is how to calm a crying baby. Parents often believe that their parental instincts will kick in and their little ones cries will magically stop, only to find that their baby is still crying leaving their parents frustrated to the point of tears. While the absence of crying in a happy baby is most certainly less stressful, be aware of the following:
1. A healthy newborn will typically increase how often he cries over the first few months ranging from two hours a day at 2 weeks old to three hours per day at two months old.
2. A crying baby should never be labeled as a “bad baby”. Instead, try to figure out why the baby is crying.
Before you assume that your child’s crying is because they are hurt or upset, consider some of his/her basic needs first.
1. Is your baby hungry?
2. Does your baby need a clean diaper?
3. Is your baby to hot or cold?
4. Is your baby wearing clothing that may be uncomfortable?
5. Does your baby want to be held?
Once you have gone through all the basic needs and your baby is still crying do not hesitate to contact your pediatrician. A baby’s cry is their way to communicate and while most of the time it is one of their basic needs that needs to be met but if your baby is inconsolable it’s time to talk to your pediatrician just in case your baby may be ill.
After you have contacted you pediatrician to rule out any sign that your baby may be ill your pediatrician may start ruling out symptoms that your baby may have colic. The symptoms of colic are listed on WebMD and include the following:
1. Display an arched back.
2. Clenched fists.
3. Bend arms and legs into their belly.
4. Have a bloated tummy.
5. Have a red flushed face when crying.
6. Pass gas during a crying episode, because they have swallowed too much air while eating.
7. Tighten stomach muscles.
No matter why your baby is crying it is important to try and stay calm and rule out basics before contacting your pediatrician. Calming a crying baby can be tiresome; remember to take a break and continue once you have rested. Don’t be afraid to ask your spouse, partner, or family member to step in and help. If your baby has colic you can visit for more information or contact your pediatrician