Don’t Let Go…

father teaching child to ride their bikeWhat parent hasn’t heard the phrase, “Don’t let go…” from their child when taking part in the time-honored tradition of teaching them how to ride a bike? They hear this phrase even though they’ve covered their little one from stern to stern in elbow and knee pads, shielded their heads in a sturdy helmet, and promised to run alongside the bike until the child is ready to go at it alone. Not only is this cherished memory shared by countless parents around the world over, it is a valuable skill that will carry their child right on through their adult years. There’s a reason we all say “just like riding a bike, you never forget” – that memory stays imprinted on the child as well.

Responsible Introduction of Technology

The first moment a parent introduces their child to technology is just as significant as the day a parent removes the training wheels from their child’s bike. As a matter of fact—in a recent study conducted by AVG Technology—more kids between the ages of two to five know how to play a basic computer game (58%) than know how to ride a bike (52%). The reason is simple—technology truly is the wave of the future. Not merely a form of entertainment for youngsters and communication for adults, technology is finding an increasingly solid foothold in the educational realm. Parents are wise to not only familiarize their children with the responsible use of technology from an early age, but to also take an active role in their child’s online educational experience at home. In these first years, it truly is important that parents “don’t let go.”

Leading the Way in Digitally Enhanced Education!

Country Home Learning Center now offers a 21st century approach to early childhood education with innovative technology designed for both school and home interaction!
Our monthly $11 Technology Fee includes the use of our Interactive Whiteboard System with supporting iPads, as well as enrollment in
Activate your child’s account today to access this state-of-the-art, fun and exciting program, building a strong foundation for your child’s future academic success.