Group of young children taking swim lessons with a swim instructor

Water safety isn’t the only thing kids learn when swimming. From strengthening cardiovascular health and lung capacity to improving endurance and building muscle, there are many advantages of swimming for children.


1. Teaches Water Safety

Drowning is still the leading cause of death for children ages one to four years old, and the second top cause of unintentional injury death for children ages five to 14 years old, according to the CDC. It only takes a few seconds to drown, it’s often silent, and it can happen anywhere, from pools to lakes to bath tubs. Swimming lessons will teach your child valuable and life-saving skills they will use throughout their lives.

2. Encourages Physical Exercise

Physical activity doesn’t have to take place in structured team sports or at the gym. Swimming provides a fun outlet for your kids to stay active and healthy all year long. This low-impact cardio exercise improves strength, balance, endurance, flexibility, and more.

3. Helps With Cardiovascular Health and Lung Capacity

Swimming is a great cardiovascular activity, as it conditions the heart and lungs to work together in a more efficient way.

4. Improves Endurance

Swimming exercises each and every muscle group while building up cardio strength, strengthening both endurance and stamina. Each swim stroke your child learns in lessons will exercise a different group of muscles as they glide, pull, and kick through the water.

5. Improves Sleep

Kids need a lot of sleep, but most of them don’t get as much as they need. According to the National Sleep Foundation, school-age kids need nine to 12 hours of sleep a night, preschoolers need 10 to 13 hours, and toddlers need 11 to 14 hours. Help them burn off all that excess energy during the day with swimming lessons so they will be tired enough at night to get the full recommended sleep time.

6. Increases Energy

Inactivity is a leading cause of lack of energy. Swimming just 30 minutes three times a week can boost energy levels via increased metabolic rate.

7. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Swimming, and really any form of exercise, releases endorphins, which are hormones produced in response to stress or pain. Acting like a natural analgesic for kids and adults alike, these endorphins mix with brain receptors that lower the perception of pain. Endorphins, along with serotonin, create a sense of happiness, well-being, and positivity. The more feel-good hormones that are flowing through the body, the better the body responds to stress.

8. Improves Memory

Studies show that exercise strengthens the part of the brain associated with memory and learning. Swimming in particular can improve memory, cognitive function, mood, and immune response, while also repairing damage from stress and making new neural connections in the brain.

9. Supports Academic Performance

The foundation for cognitive growth in kids relies on two key factors: safe environments and learning through guided play. Swimming programs in particular are linked with improved academic performance. Why? The physical fitness achieved through swimming positively affects cognitive function, memory retention, and attention span, while helping kids develop discipline, goal-setting abilities, and time management skills. These are all transferable skills that support academic success over time.

10. Develops Motor Skills

Swimming is linked to an increase in visual motor skills and oral expression in children under five. In fact, infants and toddlers who participate in swim lessons demonstrate better balance and motor skills overall.

11. Improves Concentration

Swimming takes a lot of physical and mental coordination as kids focus on leg kicks, arm pulls, and breath control. This helps them stay focused on improving skills as they concentrate on every move they make.

12. Builds Confidence

Lots of kids are nervous about being in the water, especially at the start. It’s intimidating for new swimmers to let go of their mom’s embrace or the side of the pool and participate in the group activity. But the more they do it, and the more they interact with their peers, the stronger their confidence will become.

As you can see, there are many benefits of swimming for kids!

Book a Tour of Country Home Learning Center Today

From playgrounds and water parks to soccer and gym, we believe physical activity is an important part of any curriculum. With Country Home Learning Center, your child will take part in indoor and outdoor physical activities every day. We even take field trips in the summer for swimming, bowling, mini golf, and so much more. Contact us today to book your tour of our many facilities.