The Ultimate Travel Snack Hack for Parents

While no one will disagree that traveling with kids is a lot of work, traveling with kids is also a lot of fun. Discovering new places together and watching your kids’ amazement as they explore the world is unforgettable. Whether you have one kid or five, whether you’re flying overseas or driving cross country, whether this is your first or tenth family trip, there’s one thing we can guarantee you’ll need: snacks.

Snacks are essential for every family trip, no matter how short it may be. And we’re not just talking about for the kids; parents need snacks, too! (We can all admit to letting hanger get the best of us, right?) Packing your own snacks can lead to way too many wrappers hiding in your car, but buying your snacks at gas stations or at the airport can get pretty pricey pretty quick.

Enter the perfect solution to the snack dilemma: the tackle snack box! The concept of this snack box is simple, but it makes snacking in the car or on the plane so much easier (and fun!). Start with a clear tackle box, or any container divided into smaller compartments. Fill each compartment with a different snack. Make one box for each child, so each kid knows exactly what snacks are available.

Tackle Snack Box Ideas

  • Gummy bears
  • Grapes
  • Cheese cubes
  • Crackers
  • Pretzels
  • Blueberries
  • Carrots
  • Cookies
  • Nuts
  • Trail mix
  • Dried fruit
  • Chocolate chips
  • Mini candy bars
  • Olives
  • Goldfish
  • Cereal
  • Dried coconut

We’ve included some inspiration photos below, but the sky’s the limit! Be sure to throw in some special treats you wouldn’t normally buy, such as chocolate chips, yogurt covered raisins, dried bananas, or anything you know your kids will love. Be sure to try this snack hack on your next family trip!

DIY Travel Snack Box for Kids | | personalized Disney tackle box snacks for road-trips | road trips | tips for road trips with kids | family vacation | mickey mouse

The best Easy Snacks for Kids Travel Kit to Make Your Next Road Trip a Breeze!