For your entire life, you’ve probably been bombarded by the positive effects of music in your life.  Maybe in middle school, you conducted the classic music and plant experiment. You know the one: set up your plants next to various pieces by Mozart and Bach and see which one grows the fastest.  Or perhaps you studied for exams by setting all your notes to catchy tunes.  Whatever way it entered, music has always found a way to be a part of your life.
The same should be true for your children. Music is a huge factor in child development, and it should be introduced as soon as possible. For every stage of life, there is a different benefit of music.  Reference the list below and start crafting a Spotify playlist as you read:

  1. Baby: 
    1. Play music at bedtime to soothe your children into deep sleep.
    2. Help babies learn and mimic sounds before they try words by playing music.
    3. Sing to babies while doing activities so they learn specific words are associated with specific activities (i.e. bath time, eating, etc.).
  2. Toddler:
    1. As much as it may drive you crazy, play the same songs over and over again to encourage memorization.
    2. Turn the music up a little louder and encourage dancing and movement.
    3. Clap and use “instruments” along with familiar songs and rhymes.
  3. Preschool: 
    1. Sing along loud and proud with your children in this stage.
    2. Introduce repeat-after-me and interactive songs.
    3. Begin making up rhymes without music.
  4. Elementary: 
    1. Teach your children songs with numbers and letters in sequence.
    2. Introduce your children to musical lessons or band and choir.
    3. Have your children teach you songs they are learning in school as a tool for reinforcement.

Music fills our daily lives and it especially fills the worlds of children as they grow up and learn.  Teach your children from an early age and assist their memories by setting all things to music.  Sing in the car, sing at bedtime, and sing before you have dinner.  Don’t be self-conscious about your voice or your dance moves or your lack of creative rhymes.  Take a lesson from your children and live with a little carefree abandon!