Preschoolers may be little, but they sure can eat a lot! After all, growing so much takes a lot of energy. If you have a preschooler who is always asking for another snack, save this blog post. It’s full of easy snack ideas for preschoolers—and parents will enjoy them too!

Snacks for preschoolers should be not only easy to prepare but also nutritious and appealing to their taste buds. Here are 25 simple and healthy snack ideas that we think the preschoolers in your life will love.

Fruit Kabobs

Skewer small pieces of colorful fruits like strawberries, grapes, melon, blueberries, and kiwi onto wooden sticks for a fun and visually appealing snack.

Veggie Sticks with Hummus

Cut carrots, celery, cucumber, bell peppers, and cherry tomatoes into sticks and serve them with a small bowl of hummus for dipping.

Cheese and Whole Grain Crackers

Offer small cubes of cheese along with whole-grain crackers for a tasty and filling snack.

Apple Slices with Peanut Butter

Slice apples into wedges and serve them with a side of peanut butter for dipping. Add toppings like shredded coconut or chocolate chips for extra flavor and fun.

Yogurt Parfaits

Layer vanilla or plain yogurt with granola and fresh berries for a delightful and nutritious snack.

Rice Cakes with Cream Cheese and Berries

Spread cream cheese on rice cakes and top with sliced strawberries or blueberries.

Ants on a Log

Fill celery sticks with peanut butter or cream cheese and top with raisins or chocolate chips, creating “ants on a log.”

Mini Sandwiches

Make small sandwiches using whole-grain bread and fillings like turkey and cheese or peanut butter and jelly.


Blend together a mix of fruits, yogurt, and a splash of milk or fruit juice to create a tasty and nutritious smoothie.

Trail Mix

Create a custom trail mix using a combination of dry cereal, nuts, dried fruit, and a few chocolate chips for a sweet touch.

Mini Pizzas

Use whole-grain English muffins, bagels, or pita bread as the base and let your little one add their favorite toppings like tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, and diced veggies. Then, bake until the cheese melts.

Mini Fruit Pizzas

Use English muffins, bagels, or small tortillas as the base, spread with cream cheese or Greek yogurt, and top with fresh fruit slices.

Frozen Banana Pops

Insert popsicle sticks into peeled bananas and freeze them for a cool and healthy treat.

Mini Pancakes

Make small, bite-sized pancakes using whole-grain pancake mix and serve them with a drizzle of maple syrup or a dollop of Greek yogurt.

Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Chips

Dice various fruits like apples, oranges, and berries and mix them together to create a fruit salsa. Serve it with homemade cinnamon tortilla chips made by cutting tortillas into triangles, brushing them with a little butter or oil, and baking until crispy.

Cheese Quesadillas

Spread shredded cheese between two small tortillas and cook them on a stovetop or griddle until the cheese melts. Dip them in salsa, sour cream, or guacamole.

Frozen Grapes

Wash and freeze grapes for a refreshing and natural sweet treat.

Mini Muffins

Bake mini muffins using whole-grain flour and add in fruits like blueberries or mashed bananas or nuts for extra flavor and nutrition.

Cucumber Sandwiches

Cut cucumber slices and use them as “bread” to make small sandwiches with cheese, turkey, or cream cheese.

Fruit and Yogurt Popsicles

Blend together yogurt and your child’s favorite fruits, then pour the mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for a healthy and delicious frozen treat.

Energy Bites

Make no-bake energy bites using oats, peanut butter, honey, and mix-ins like shredded coconut, mini chocolate chips, or chopped nuts.

Veggie Muffins

Sneak some vegetables into muffins by adding grated carrots or zucchini to the batter.

Dried Fruit and Nut Mix

Create a mix of dried fruits (raisins, apricots, cranberries) and nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts) for a wholesome and portable snack.

Cheese Roll-Ups

Roll slices of cheese around turkey or ham slices for a simple and tasty snack.

Apple Sandwiches

Slice apples horizontally and spread peanut butter or almond butter between the slices to make “apple sandwiches.”

Which of these easy and delicious snacks will you try first? You really can’t go wrong with any of the options listed. Happy snacking!

If you’re looking for recipe ideas, check out all the recipes we’ve shared in previous blog posts.