If you’ve got one last road trip planned this summer, take advantage of that time to get your kids excited about learning in the upcoming school year. These tried and true educational kids’ songs are perfect for car time, any time.
A Counting We Will Go
This versatile song, sung to the tune of “A Hunting We Will Go” is useful for teaching kids counting happens by more than just ones. Use it to help your child learn to count by 2, 5, or 10. For older ones, try counting by 15 or 20. Original lyrics are found at SongsforTeaching.com.
Days of the Week
Help your kids sort out the days of the week. Many versions of this song are used in preschool classrooms. This one is sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too.
Wednesday, Thursday just for you.
Friday, Saturday that’s the end.
Now let’s say those days again!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday!
Check out other days of the week song versions like this fun clapping one sung to the Addam’s Family tune.
50 States That Rhyme
There’s nothing better for a road trip than a song that teaches your kids geography. Test your own knowledge of the fifty states as you teach your kids this fun song. States are listed in alphabetical order to make memorizing easier. Sung to the tune of “Do Your Ears Hang Low” it’s also just simply fun for those long car trips.
What’s the Time?
Since everyone’s favorite trip question is, “How much longer?”, use this fun song to help your kids learn time telling skills. Teaching both digital and analog time, kids learn time in half-hour and fifteen-minute increments.
Also check out Songs for Teaching apps to download, which teach advanced learning songs. These great tunes from Title Max which include old favorites like “The Ants Go Marching” and “Wheels on the Bus” as well as new versions of classics like “London Bridge” that teach math skills, are great, too!