If you’re looking for something a little different to do with your kids this month, this blog post is for you! In September, summer comes to an end, school picks up, and it can be easy to get swept up into the hustle and bustle of upcoming holidays. One way that you can make this month extra special for your family is to celebrate the not-so-popular September holidays…the ones most of us haven’t even heard of.
We’ve put together a list of some of the special September holidays that we think kids would have fun celebrating, days like National Chocolate Milk Day and National Coloring Day. Whether you pick a few of these days to celebrate or try to get through them all, it’s the perfect way to create new memories as a family. This might just be the most memorable September ever!
You don’t have to do anything complicated or crazy to “celebrate” these holidays. For most of them, you can do a simple activity or eat a special snack. Simply recognizing the holiday and making it special can make a normal activity more fun for kids!
September 2nd
- Blueberry Popsicle Day
- World Coconut Day
September 3rd
- International Bacon Day
- National Doodle Day
- National Hummingbird Day
September 4th
- Eat an Extra Dessert Day
- National Pet Rock
- National Waffle Week
September 5th
- National Cheese Pizza Day
September 6th
- National Read a Book Day
September 9th
- National When Pigs Fly Day
- Teddy Bear Day
September 11th
- Grandparents Day
- National Hot Cross Buns Day
September 12th
- National Chocolate Milkshake Day
- National Day of Encouragement
September 13th
- National Ants on a Log Day
September 14th
- National Coloring Day
- National Cream Filled Donut Day
September 15th
- Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie Day
- Make a Hat Day
September 16th
- Collect Rocks Day
September 19th
- Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 20th
- National Pepperoni Pizza Day
- National Punch Day
September 21st
- Miniature Golf Day
- World Gratitude Day
September 22nd
- National Elephant Appreciation Day
September 23rd
- National Checkers Day
September 24th
- National Bunny Day
September 25th
- National Quesadilla Day
September 26th
- National Family Day
- National Pancake Day
September 27th
- National Chocolate Milk Day
September 28th
- National Good Neighbor Day