Now is the time when most schools start offering open houses and launch enrollment for preschool programs. You’ve visited multiple preschools, met with program coordinators, and finally found the right fit for your family. Now that you’ve chosen a program, how do you prepare your child to start preschool this fall?

Communicate Early

Preschool is a big change for your child, and the unknowns may leave them feeling scared and unsure. Cheerfully talk to your child about preschool, and listen to his fears. Reading a children’s book about preschool is a fun way to give kids a glimpse of what preschool is like, and even addresses the mix of nervousness, fear, and excitement your child might feel. If you aren’t sure where to start, check out 7 Books to Read to Your Child About Preschool.

Go for a Visit

Take advantage of the preschool open house, which gives your child a chance to meet his teachers, other students, and experience the preschool with you by his side. Walk your child through the drop off process to give him an idea of what the real deal will be like. Seeing which door to use and where he’ll hang his backpack will help your child visualize the big day.

Meet Other Preschoolers

If possible, help your child get a head start on socialization by planning a playdate with other kids from the preschool. Seeing a friendly face in the classroom on the first day of school can go a long way!

Trust the Process

Even the best laid plans for preparation can’t fully prepare every child for the first day of preschool. Overcoming separation anxiety can feel like a slow process, but it’s your child’s way of reconciling their new normal. Anticipate some ups and downs as the whole family adjusts to the new routine. Before you know it, your child will be looking forward to preschool each day.

Visit Country Home Learning Center Today

If you live in the San Antonio or Austin area, we’d love to have your family visit one of our preschool classrooms. Our comprehensive and AdvancED accredited, theme-based preschool curriculum focuses on providing a solid educational foundation for our young students. We keep our class groups small in order to promote individualized care and education.

Schedule your tour today!