The Parent's Guide to Fruit

It’s probably not news to you that different fruits provide different nutrients. Furthermore, it’s important for kids and adults alike to get a healthy variety of these nutrients in their diets. We’ve done the research for you so that you can know the benefits of the most popular fruits in order to provide your family with a variety of nutrients to fuel their bodies.

Popular Fruits and Their Nutrients

  • Apples: contain fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, improve gut health, can fight asthma
  • Bananas: contain vitamin C, potassium, provide energy
  • Strawberries: contain vitamin C, manganese, B9, antioxidants, boost heart health
  • Grapes: contain vitamin C, vitamin k, antioxidants, protect eye health, reduce constipation
  • Pears: contain fiber, improve gut health
  • Oranges: contain vitamins C and B6, lowers cholesterol, control blood sugar, benefit eye health
  • Peaches: contain antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, aid digestion
  • Blueberries: contain antioxidants, vitamins C and K, manganese, lower blood pressure

Making Fruit Fun

We all have favorite fruits, and that can make it easy to buy the same fruits each week. However, it’s important to buy a variety of fruits throughout the month. If you have kids who are hesitant to try new fruits, try introducing fruit in fun ways!

  • Smoothies
  • Fruit kabobs
  • Create art with fruit (you can create or let your kids!)
  • Put fruit in salad
  • Top ice cream with fruit

Any fruit you choose will provide you with beneficial nutrients, but be adventurous this week and try one you don’t usually get!