Are you looking for some non-screen activities for your preschooler? We know this struggle all too well. It can be hard to come up with activities that your little one will enjoy, especially when the screen is just a click away. So we’re here to share a few activities that your child might enjoy!
Before we get into the screen-free activities, we want to make one thing clear: we aren’t against screens! Whatever screen limitations or rules work for your family are the best ones for you. So we are not here to tell you to reduce or eradicate screen time altogether. That’s next to impossible in our current age, anyway! But if you’re looking for some new activities that don’t involve screens, keep reading.
Screen-Free Activities
- Finger painting
- Taking a walk
- Nature walk, looking for things in your neighborhood or yard
- Coloring
- Reading a book (or five!)
- Writing a friend a letter
- Building a fort
- Stargazing
- Cloud gazing
- Helping in the kitchen
- Making lemonade
- Playing in the sprinkler
- Playing a game, like Memory
- Working a puzzle
- Coming up with a story and telling it
- Sensory play
- Going to the library
- Playing pretend
- Hop-scotch
- Playing with chalk
- Blowing bubbles
- Listening to music
- Calling a relative
- Swimming
Screen-free activities don’t have to be complicated. They can be simple. Just think about some of the things you liked to do as child! Oftentimes, the simplest activities are the most fun, like playing outside or building something together.