DIY Dad: Healthy Sodas

2013-03-07T17:48:37-05:00March 7th, 2013|DIY Dad|

One thing we like to focus on in this blog is how to make our children healthier. With childhood obesity, juvenile diabetes, and other weight-related issues affecting more and more [...]

DIY Dad: Making Cheese

2013-01-10T10:00:46-05:00January 10th, 2013|DIY Dad|

Have you ever made your own cheese? It's so easy! And it's a great way to show kids that they can make their own fresh versions of their favorite foods [...]

DIY Dad: Candy Corn Cupcakes

2012-10-19T08:28:41-04:00October 19th, 2012|DIY Dad|

Cupcakes, like pizza, are a food that 99.9% of the American population loves. The is evidenced by the spread of gourmet cupcake shops throughout every shopping center in every metropolitan [...]

DIY Dad: Kid Safe Jack-O-Lanterns

2012-10-10T08:30:34-04:00October 10th, 2012|DIY Dad|

Glowing Jack-O-Lantern When you have young kids around, carving a jack-o-lantern isn't always the safest activity because it involves sharp knives and a medium, i.e. the pumpkin, that can be [...]